Hog Profile: LWD 3 Way Cross Pork
We precisely recognizes the attributes that discerning JPN consumers are seeking and have made consistent/deliberate efforts to optimize the critical…
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Hog Profile: MLQA Pork
The MLQA program at Maple Leaf is built upon a foundation of strict controls that are maintained by on-site farm…
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Hutterite Pork
The Hutterite Brethren is a Germanic religious based group that moved to North America from Europe in the late 16th…
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Raised Without Antibiotics (RWA)
Medicines are used in agriculture to treat, control or prevent disease and to improve production or growth.
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Efficient and Nutritious Feed
MLF utilizes state of the art feed technology and the finest raw materials to maximize the growth cycle and quality…
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Vertical Integration
Maple Leaf has a competitive advantage relative to the market and the value is clear.
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6th Year to Achieve "Three Star" Awarded by International Taste Institute
'Omugishiageton' pork produced by Maple Leaf Foods Lethbridge plant has been awarded the highest rank of 'Three Star' by the…
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